Migration: Implementing the system change technically

Microservices, API-First, Cloud-native and Headless – This is how you benefit from MACH technologies as a product owner or part of a development team.

An abstract background in pink shades with the heading Migration

Migrate frontend, CMS, ERP and Co. correctly

The goal of being able to compose e-commerce technologies in the sense of composable commerce and according to the principle of best-of-breed, or best-fit, and to be able to reorganise them flexibly at any time is best achieved by companies with a MACH strategy. MACH is an acronym for modern technology concepts that together form the basis for 100 per cent adaptive commerce: Microservices, API-First, Cloud-native and Headless. The central challenge of technically implementing the system change in e-commerce is to choose the right strategy for a transition from the old system to the new cloud-based architecture that is as fast and risk-free as possible. Here, a complete new development (“greenfield”) and step-by-step transformation can be considered.

Replatforming according to the principle of the “Strangler Pattern”, in which existing services and functions are gradually transferred to a new environment, has proven itself in many projects as a low-risk alternative to building a new system. eCube supports planning and implementation.

Step by step to the Composable Commerce platform

No commerce system offers everything. Be it in terms of functionalities, be it in terms of the workflow in the backend or the possibilities offered for the respective customer journey. Whereas in the past monolithic systems were used whose requirements were simply adapted, the composable commerce approach shows a new strategy: the combination of the best solutions into a highly adaptable technology stack.

In the third part of our whitepaper series, we outline the process of technical implementation and migration to a Composable Commerce Architecture, give insights into possible project processes and tips for implementation.

If you are interested in a tangible step-by-step guide to replacing a rigid system with a modern front-end and composable commerce architecture, read this whitepaper.

Titelblatt Plattformwechsel

System change in e‑commerce

Felix Härtig and Tino Müller outline the process of technical implementation and migration to a Composable Commerce architecture. As consultants and software architects at the enterprise commerce specialist eCube, the two give an exciting insight into their daily business and also venture a deep dive into technical details.

In addition to valuable impressions of the project process and tips for implementation, there will be an opportunity to ask questions about the procedure, advantages and disadvantages of Composable Commerce platforms or monolithic systems.

Webinar Relaunch im E-Commerce

Contributions to the system change

Farbige Datenströme bewegen sich in eine moderne Stadt hinein.

5 Gründe, Ihren Digital Commerce technisch neu auszurichten

Die Digital Commerce Transformation 2025 steht vor der Tür. Large Language Models wie ChatGPT revolutionieren den digitalen Handel. Trotzdem halten viele Unternehmen an ihren veralteten, oft Innovation-hemmenden E-Commerce-Systemen fest. Lesen Sie hier, warum erfolgreiche Unternehmen spätestens jetzt die technischen Weichen neu stellen.

Whitepaper: Digital Commerce Cookbook

Dieser Leitfaden soll Projektleiter, Commerce-Verantwortliche und IT-Entscheiderin Transformationsvorhaben in die Lage versetzen, das Replatforming eines monolithischen Systems hin zu einer flexibel orchestrierbare Software-Architektur mithilfe von agilen Methoden und Tools so zielgenau und gleichzeitig flexibel wie möglich zu steuern.

Eine Nahaufnahme eines Computersystem aus Lego-Bausteinen, eine Hand ersetzt einen der Baustein – Metapher für Retrofit/Modernisierung am bestehenden System

Beispiel für eine erfolgreiche Software-Modernisierung: Headless Frontend für ein monolithisches Shopsystem

Eine gezielte Software-Modernisierung (Retrofit) kann eine schnelle und risikoarme Alternative zum Replatforming sein. In diesem Beispiel wird die Storefront eines Shops an den Bedarf des Marketings angepasst.

Our services

We want to enable you to set up your commerce projects strategically right from the start and implement them on time. Whether it’s developing sustainable business models, setting up structures and processes in your company, or providing competencies for your business in the short to medium term.

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