Why you should switch to Composable Commerce now
Composable Commerce and MACH technologies are the top trends in digital commerce. Find out here why it pays to make your e-commerce fit for the future now and how to approach the switch to Composable Commerce the right way.
Change as a success factor
Complete solutions that combine all e-commerce functions in a monolithic system have long dominated the e-commerce technology landscape. In the long run, however, such systems have proven too rigid to respond quickly and economically to disruptive changes in the market. This is especially true when a system is highly customized.
Who doesn’t move with the times, will be removed by the times
Modern e-commerce needs modern technological concepts that allow online business to be adapted to new requirements as needed at any time and innovative technologies to be used quickly and flexibly. Simply switching from an old complete system to a new, supposedly more modern complete system falls short, because the disadvantages described above remain.
The future of e-commerce is composable
Modular platform architectures enable composable commerce, which can be equipped with exactly the functions and technologies a company needs to successfully keep up with technological trends and the competition, according to the modular principle and in line with individual requirements. Monolithic complete systems do not offer these possibilities.
What does Composable Commerce mean?
Modern, agile e-commerce has the ability to respond quickly to new requirements as needed. Modular MACH architectures create the basis for e-commerce that can be flexibly composed. MACH is an acronym for technology concepts that play a central role in Composable Commerce: Microservices, API-first, Cloud-native and Headless.
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Reasons for migrating to Composable Commerce
There are many reasons for a fundamental system change in e-commerce. With Composable Commerce, companies can kill several birds with one stone:
React faster
Companies have a strategic need to be able to react at any time to disruptive crises, technology trends and other unpredictable changes in the market and to flexibly adapt their e-commerce to new challenges.
Discard legacy issues
Companies planning to replace their legacy system often want to pay off technical debt that has accumulated over the years as a result of countless modifications and upgrades – especially if the debt ties up resources and hinders innovation.
Use best-of-breed
Migrating to Composable Commerce should enable companies to break free from dependencies on one technology provider (vendor lock-in) and always combine the best solutions for their e-commerce according to the best-of-breed principle.
Finding the right time for a change
As a rule of thumb, if the development and maintenance of a legacy system over a three-year period costs more money, resources (and nerves) than the investment in a new system. If, in addition, the old shop system is too cumbersome to keep up with new technology trends and the competition in a timely manner, then it is time for a fundamental “replatforming”.
Checklist: When is it time to switch to Composable Commerce?
Setting the right course for Composable Commerce
Composable Commerce means rethinking e-commerce technology – moving away from monolithic complete systems to modular building blocks. Here, it is particularly important to develop the necessary expertise and a “composable mindset“ when getting started. It is also important to create a solid technological basis for modular, composable software architectures.
Choosing the right approach to migration
Build from scratch or transform step by step? This question can only be answered on the basis of a sound analysis of the status quo of existing technology landscapes and individual business goals. In any case, however, a technological realignment should be carried out step by step according to agile principles – oriented to the greatest possible value contribution to the company’s success. The goal of migration to Composable Commerce is not just to replace the existing system, but to create the technological basis for flexible and sustainable growth.
Reading recommendation: Rebuild monolithic store systems or transform step by step?
Recognizing and overcoming migration challenges
With composable commerce, you don’t buy a ready-made system, but compose a variety of technical capabilities according to your own needs. This requires a change in IT thinking and expertise in technical capabilities. In addition, researching, comparing, testing and integrating system components involves effort. So composable commerce is not trivial, but thanks to simple tools like eCube’s Precomposer, it’s not rocket science.
Tools for getting started with Composable Commerce
Putting together the complete architecture and infrastructure for a new “Composable“ store takes time and effort. Weeks or even months can pass before the prototype is ready. Many companies are entering new territory with Composable Commerce and do not have the necessary know-how. Accelerator solutions help to significantly reduce effort and complexity.
How to get a quick start in Composable Commerce
The accelerator solution “Precomposer” from eCube enables development teams to set up a fully functional software stack for an online store in just a few minutes. The Accelerator contains both the architecture with a selection of proven store components and the complete infrastructure, which installs automatically in the cloud environment with just a few clicks.
With eCube’s Precomposer, you can accelerate the relaunch of your composable commerce store by weeks. This means you can get started much faster and with significantly less effort.